The Residential Landlord Association (RLA) have warned against the impacts of introducing Article 4 in Birmingham.
Birmingham have planning to introduce city wide control of HMOs under Article 4. This means that any HMO of 3 bedrooms or more will require planning approval.
The RLA have said that this measure would mean a shortage of housing supply in the area and that this may well increase rents.
Birmingham Council have said that too many HMOs can have a negative impact on the character of neighbourhoods, residential amenities and create unbalanced communities.
The new policy will mean HMOs are rejected in the following circumstances:
- Multi occupancy properties make up more than 10% of properties within a 100m radius
- Where family homes are sandwiched between 2 HMOs
- Where there are 3 or more none family homes in a row.
Current restrictions are in place in Selly Oak, Harborne and Edgbaston which will be revoked on the introduction of this new policy.
A consultation period is now over and should Article 4 be introduced it will commence on 8th June 2020.